Door to Door Sales: The Complete 2024 Guide

Door to door sales guide

In this guide, we're diving into the incredible world of door-to-door sales, exploring the strategies, tips, insights, stories, and roadblocks that you need to know to have more fun, make more sales, and maximize your earnings.

My name is Nathan Hooper and I’ve done door-to-door sales for 3+ years. If you combine my earnings from those 3 summers (12 months total door-knocking time), I made over $300K from my personal sales.

And I’m not special. In fact, I’m a pretty average guy. My mom might disagree but it’s the honest truth.

If you don’t believe me, check out this video of my first ever pest control sales role-play I did with my wife before my first summer in 2020.

It makes me cringe every time I watch it.

As you can tell, I’m not a natural salesman.

I broke every sales rule in the book! My hands were all over the place. My eye contact was inconsistent. I ended all of my sentences on an up-tone. I was rambling, I mean, just look at the thumbnail. I was terrified!

But you have to start somewhere.

And believe it or not, that first summer, as a rookie, I ended up being the top rep on my team in Utah out of 40+ guys and girls.

I outsold the veterans who had been doing door to door sales for 3-5 years.

And I wasn’t born with a silver tongue. I’m not oozing with confidence. I’m not even a real extrovert!

What I did do, was outwork everyone around me.

I studied more. Practiced more. Trained more. Watched more videos. Read more books. Hired coaches. Bought courses.

Did everything I could to maximize my results, and it worked.

It wasn’t easy by any means. Far from it. Door-to-door sales has been one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life.

But it has also been on of the most rewarding. Both financially and for my personal growth.

The point that I’m getting at, is that if I was able to do it, then you can too.

In fact, you can probably do it better!

This is the guide that I wished I had when I started so I could have minimized the learning curve, increased my confidence, and maximized my commissions! Here I share the door to door sales tips and advice that I’ve picked up over my sales career to help you be as successful as possible.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Door-to-Door Sales

Preparing for Door-to-Door Success

Effective Sales Techniques

Mastering the Sales Pitch

Door-to-Door Sales Strategies

Building Trust and Rapport

Handling Rejections and Obstacles

Closing the Sale

Managing Finances and Income

Balancing Work and Personal Life



Introduction to Door-to-Door Sales

In the world of sales, there are so many different options to explore. You can do business-to-business or B2B sales, inside sales, cold calling, cold emailing, social media selling, event selling, real estate, used car sales, retail sales, and the list goes on.

But some of the most famous and successful salespeople of all time cut their teeth in door-to-door sales.

From the Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort to Rory Vaden author of “Take the Stairs” to real estate mogul Grant Cardone and countless other successful entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and leaders.

Famous door to door sales people

The lessons you learn doing door-to-door sales are invaluable and life changing if you lean in.

So let’s start with the basics.

Understanding the Basics

Door-to-door sales, often abbreviated as D2D sales or titled “summer sales”, involves the act of selling products or services directly to potential customers at their homes.

It is an effective way to market products and services by having skilled sales people contact target prospects at their homes.

The most common industries you will find utilizing residential door-to-door sales are solar energy, security systems, pest control, roofing, windows, insurance, real estate, satellite TV, cellular, and lawn care.

It is primarily service-based companies where neighbors can see the technicians working at the house or “see the trucks” as you’ll commonly hear in many door-to-door sales pitches.

It's a unique form of sales that requires exceptional interpersonal skills, resilience, and a deep understanding of the products or services you're promoting.

You’ll probably experience more rejection than you’ve faced in your life, but those who stick with it walk away with arguably the most important life skill in communication and persuasion (not mentioned a fatter wallet).

door to door sales quote - warren buffet

Door-to-Door Sales vs. Other Forms of Sales

The allure of door-to-door sales lies in its potential for high earnings and personal growth.

Unlike many other sales roles, D2D sales allows you to interact with customers face-to-face, making it an ideal platform for those who thrive on human connection. 

Something to be aware of is that it is typically a commission-only payment structure while other sales roles may offer you a regular salary along with a commission.

This can make door to door sales more risky than other forms of sales because you may work 12 hours one day, knock 200+ doors, and not make a single sale and therefore not a single penny.

You need to have a certain tolerance for risk, taking chances, and betting on yourself to make the most of your D2D sales career.

But where there’s a higher risk, there’s a higher potential for reward.

As a commission only structure, you’re uncapped in how much you can make. Typical sales jobs will either have a cap on the total commission you can make or simply offer you a lower commission than what you can earn in door-to-door sales.

It isn’t uncommon for door to door sales reps to get paid up to 50-70% of what they sell depending on the product or service. You will be hard pressed to find commissions like that in the corporate world.

So while I’ll admit to having my fair share of penniless, heartbreaking days, I’ve also had a handful of days where I earned as much as $5000 in a single day!

What Does "Door-to-Door" Mean in Sales?

In the context of sales, "door-to-door" refers to the method of approaching potential customers by visiting their homes or businesses. This direct, personal approach sets it apart from other sales techniques that rely on phone calls, emails, or online advertising. While this method has its challenges, it also has many benefits.

Doing cold calls for example, it’s easy for your prospect to hang up or not even answer the phone. When you’re person to person, there are certain social and psychological behaviors that play to your advantage which can give you a better chance of closing deals.

For example, it’s harder (although not impossible, don’t get me wrong) for someone to slam a door on that nice young man with a big smile, willing to work hard to pay for college, than it is to reject the faceless, person calling your phone in the middle of dinner asking about your car’s extended warranty.

Door to Door Sales Tips: Preparing for Success

Selecting the Right Company

One of the most important factors in your door-to-door sales success will be selecting the right company to sell for. Here are a few of the key metrics that I look for when selecting a company.

  1. Your Direct Manager - Working with a quality manager who has seen great D2D success is essential.

    Your manager is the one who will teach you the pitch, answer your questions, practice with you, and work with you on a daily basis. If he’s a dud, what do you think your chances of success are?

    You also want to make sure that she’s a strong mentor. Just because someone can sell ice to an eskimo, doesn't mean that they will be a great coach. Think about Michael Jordan, he’s the best basketball player of all time but he’s not the player I would call to coach me.

    Managers are directly compensated based on your success, so they are invested in you. Make sure you choose the right one, and you’ll both win!

  2. Working with Friends - Whenever it’s possible working with friends can be a big difference maker in your D2D sales earnings (and not just because most companies give you a bonus if you recruit a friend). Working with friends can inspire competition and make the summer more enjoyable.

    In his book the Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor explains that when we’re happy and in a positive state of mind, we perform at a higher level than if we are neutral or negative. Surrounding ourselves with people we enjoy being around will positively affect our mindset and our results.

  3. Product You’re Selling - The most common products or services that you’ll sell door-to-door will be: 

      • Alarm Systems 

      • Solar Panels 

      • Pest Control 

      • Roofing 

      • Windows 

      • Lawn Care 

    Although you’ll occasionally come across other options like vacuum cleaners, insurance, cable, satellite, cellular, car detailing, etc.

    It can be a major advantage to choose a product or service that you already have an existing knowledge of or are naturally passionate about.

    For example, growing up I used to love bugs. I remember going to the library and checking out a pile of books about spiders and insects. While I’ve grown out of that phase and now my wife has to kill the spiders around our home because they freak me out, that natural curiosity from my childhood made it easy for me to study the different pests in the areas I was working which helped me to be a more knowledgable and trustworthy salesman.

  4. Commission Structure - A crucial factor in your door-to-door sales earnings will be the commission structure you are offered. Most door to door companies pay you a commission percentage of whatever you sell

    Make sure you are given a fair deal that provides you the best earnings opportunity and is highly motivating.

    For example, if we both sell pest control and over the summer and we each sell 250 accounts at a $500 contract value, the total amount we both would receive our commission percentage on is $125,000.

    But if my commission is 40% and yours is 35%, I made $8000 more than you for the same amount of effort just because I negotiated more during the recruiting process.

    Door to Door Sales TIP - the commission structure is negotiable! Most door-to-door companies are hungry for new recruits and would be willing to enter into negotiations with you.

    Explore 2 or 3 different companies so you can compare commissions and maximize your earnings. I would also recommend a tiered plan to motivate you and provide leverage in your negotiations.

    IE. once you reach a certain number of accounts sold or revenue generated, your commission percentage bumps up to the next tier.

    To learn more about the commission structure and how you’re paid, see the managing finances section.

  5. Company Details - It’s important that you find a company you believe in.

    Read the company reviews, ask their customers about the quality of service, learn about their training program, their financial stability, the company size, etc. Go on LinkedIn to ask former reps if they would recommend the company and how their experience was. Do all you can to make sure you understand this company you may potentially be joining.

    Selling for a company that you truly believe in and know offers a great product at a fair price, can remove a lot of emotional barriers that some sales people experience when doing door to door sales.

    Before my first summer I spent time shadowing a pest control technician for the company I had chosen and even hired them to spray my property so I would know first hand if it was a good product.

  6. Market You’d Be Selling In - Similar to the product you are selling this isn’t the most important factor because sales success can be had anywhere in the country. That being said, if there is a market or city you would be excited about going to and working in, that can be a big advantage for you by providing a positive mental state.

    Do research on the market you’re selling in, the economic conditions, competitors you’d be facing etc. to give yourself an advantage and make the best decision possible.

    For example, if I was selling solar and while researching the market I learn about favorable solar laws and tax credits being offered to solar customers, that would be a positive sign for that market.

Common door to door sales industries

Psychology of Door to Door Sales

Once you have chosen the right company, it’s time to start developing the more important factor in your door to door sales success… your mindset. Rejection is an unavoidable part of this business, and a strong mindset is your shield against discouragement. Embrace rejection as a stepping stone to success. Each no gets you that much closer to a yes.

Looking back, I would have invested more time strengthening my mindset and my mental toughness than I would working on my sales and soft skills as important as those are. The psychology of door to door sales is as important if not more so than anything you’ll do to improve your results and your income.

If you get the psychology right and have the mental toughness to work hard despite disappointment and setbacks, then you have what it takes to be a successful door-to-door salesperson. Strengthening your mindset can be done in a variety of ways. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Cold showers or cold plunges - getting uncomfortable

  • Reading great books - here are my top 5 door to door sales books

  • Discipline challenges like 75 Hard

  • Pushing yourself at the gym

  • Playing competitive sports

  • Listening to podcasts - here are the top 7 door to door sales podcasts

  • Disciplining your sleep and nutrition

  • Meditation to improve your focus

  • Journaling

  • Practicing gratitude

  • Hitting the doors! Just get to work

Door to Door Sales Tip: D2D Sales is a numbers game! If you’ve seen the movie Money Ball with Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill, then you understand the power of numbers. In the

movie, Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill use baseball player statistics to remove emotion from their decisions, find diamonds in the rough, and ultimately go one of the longest winning streak in MLB history. You can do the same in door-to-door sales.

How it works: Most companies will have software that allow you to track the amount of doors you knocked, pitches you gave, deals you closed, etc. Get really familiar with these numbers. When you understand that on average you make a sale 1 out of every 20 doors you knock then you know that you just need to keep knocking because your sale is coming. You can rely on these numbers to motivate you and help remove emotion from the process. 

For the next level, you can calculate how much every door you knock is worth to you. For example if on average you make $300 per sale and you know you make 1 sale for every 20 doors you knock, then $300/20=$15 per door you knock. This can help to motivate you to keep working. You can even visualize walking up to knock your next door as simply going to collect your next $15 check.

Find Your Why

In the dynamic world of door-to-door sales, finding your "why" is not just a buzzword; it's the powerful motivational tool that can elevate your success and will keep you going when others are dropping off.

As Simon Sinek outlines in his great book "Start with Why," understanding the deeper purpose behind your sales efforts can make all the difference. When you connect with your intrinsic motivation and identify the core reason why you are engaged in door-to-door sales, your passion and authenticity shine through in every interaction.

This genuine enthusiasm is contagious and resonates with potential customers, leading to more meaningful connections and, ultimately, higher conversions and more success. Here is a list to help you get started coming up with your own “why”

  • Solve customer problems

  • Provide for your family

  • Pay for your education

  • Buy your first home

  • Start a business

  • Earn money to invest for the future

  • Learn sales and communication skills

  • Prove to yourself that you can do something hard

It’s important to remember that your “Why” needs to be deeper than money. One of my favorite quotes from a coach that I worked with is “Find a why that makes you cry.” The more emotional and meaningful it is to you, the more you’ll be willing to persevere through the hard times when everyone else is calling it quits.

One exercise to help you deepen your motivation is to go 7 layers deep with your why, in other words, asking yourself why seven times.

Here is an example assuming your main reason for wanting to do door-to-door sales is to buy real estate..

Why Layer 1 - Buy a property 

Why Layer 2 - So I can start investing in real estate

Why Layer 3 - So I can start generating passive income by renting it out

Why Layer 4 - So I can start creating financial freedom

Why Layer 5 - So I can live the life I want to live without being tied down to a job I don’t like

Why Layer 6 - So I’m free to spend my time doing the things that provide me with the most meaning and fulfillment

Why Layer 7 - So I can make my impact on this world and do what I was put here to do

There is a lot more power and emotion behind doing D2D sales so you can make your impact in the world than doing it to buy a house. That “why” will fuel you in times when you don’t want to keep going.

So, remember, it's not just about what you're selling but why you're selling that can truly make the difference in your success.

Setting Realistic Goals

Before you start knocking on doors, define your goals. Are you aiming to earn a specific income, gain valuable sales experience, or achieve personal growth? Setting clear, achievable goals will keep you motivated and focused.

If you set a goal that is so big that it’s unrealistic or too ambiguous, you risk having that goal become paralyzing, instead of motivating. This happened to me during my third summer in Austin, Texas. I had decided that my goal would be 500 accounts (sales) but as I got closer I started having the thought that maybe could do 1000 accounts, which is the holy grail in pest control sales.

I started knocking my first day of that summer unsure what my actual goal was and that interference and confusion caused me to not perform at my best. That day I only sold 1 account and came home extremely depressed. I had trained all offseason and come home after my first day with 1 measly account. In order to sell 1000 accounts I needed to average 10 per day. I definitely wasn’t going to reach 1000 on that pace.

Later that week I met with my coach who helped me to re-identify my original 500 account goal and reset that as my target. I could still go for 1000 but I needed to hit 500 first. Mission 500 then became my sole focus.

With the interference removed and a clear and achievable goal established, I would go on to have my best summer and surpass my 500 goal.

Door to Door Sales Tip: One of the best ways to ensure that you will achieve the goals that you set is to add a degree of leverage to your goal.

This leverage can take the form of a reward for achieving your goal IE if I reach my number I’ll buy myself my dream car OR a form of pain or punishment that you have to do if you don’t reach your goal.

As human beings, we are more motivated by loss and so I would recommend a type of punishment if you don’t achieve your goal.

For example, during my 3rd summer in 2022, I made an agreement with my co-manager that if I didn’t sell at least 500 accounts, I would pay him $2500. We recorded a video making the agreement and posted it to our team on social media for additional accountability. If you’re curious and you like cheesy videos, you can watch it here.

Not wanting to pay him $2500, I did everything in my power to make sure I hit my goal and it worked.

Developing Your Sales Pitch

Once you have a strong why and a clear target, it’s time to craft your compelling sales pitch. Your pitch should be concise, persuasive, and tailored to the needs and interests of your potential customers. 

The company you work for will provide you with the pitch to use and training materials to study. Typically in the form of a training manual and/or training videos. Memorize your pitch and practice it until it flows naturally, adapting it as you learn what works best.

Watch videos of the top salespeople in your company. See what they do well and apply it to your pitch. When possible ask to roleplay and practice with your manager and/or the top salespeople in your company. This will put you miles ahead.

Some sales people may argue that having a memorized pitch makes you ineffective and that it’s better to go off the cuff. The counter to this is to consider the best actors and actresses in the world. They aren’t showing up to film without knowing what they are going to say. They memorize their lines and then add to it through their body language, tone of voice, and emotion. It is the same in sales. Start first by memorizing the pitch and as you become proficient, you can then go off script at the right moments. When you get to this level, the script becomes more of a guide that helps you have structured sales conversations that lead to a closed deals.

Door to Door Sales Tip: When developing your sales pitch, make sure you focus on the benefits of your product or service and not just the features. People pay for the benefit of what the product or service will do for them.

For example, when selling pest control, you might mention that they won’t have to deal with wasps during their summer barbecues (benefit) rather than going into extreme detail about what type of wasp spray your technicians use (feature).

Effective Sales Techniques

The Art of the First Impression - Should You Shake Hands?

Not only are first impressions extremely difficult to reverse but they are usually formed within the first 5-6 seconds of an interaction. So if you make a bad first impression you can kiss your chances of making the sale goodbye. Now, how do you make a good first impression?

Dress professionally, maintain good hygiene, and greet potential customers with a warm smile and confident, non threatening body language. Ice breakers are great when you have one that is genuine and not corny. Try to mirror the prospect’s body language and tonality as best as you can. If you knock on the door and sweet old grandma answers the door, talk slowly, give her a big smile, and do your best to act like her grandchild.

The on going debate in door-to-door sales is to shake hands or not to shake hands. You’ll have to find what’s right for you but for me personally, I like the handshake, especially if the person who answered the door did so with more energy and enthusiasm. However if it makes you uncomfortable or feels unnatural then steer clear. The best rule of thumb is to mirror or match the other person energy and style.

door to door sales handshake

Overcoming Common Objections

Anticipate objections and prepare responses. Addressing concerns professionally demonstrates your expertise and builds trust. You will rarely close sales that don’t have some form of an objection. To reach your sales goals, you will regularly need to be able to get past the first, second, and even third no in order to close high volumes of accounts.

One of the best exercises that will improve your sales, is to create a list of the most common objections you hear and then write down the answer that you would give to that objection.

To help you in your responses consider the ARAC method which stands for Acknowledge Resolve Ace Close

Acknowledge - When you an objection don’t argue or disagree with them, keep everything positive. Acknowledge that you heard their concern and agree with the prospect that that is a valid concern

Resolve - Offer your prepared response to this objection - work with your manager to develop the best response to every objection

Ace - “Ace” in a sales situation means to provide additional value to the customer to help tip the scales and motivate them to say yes - this could be a discount, include an additional service for free, reduce the agreement length etc.

Close - Finish with your favorite close - “does that sound fair?” or “does that work for you?” are common closes that work regardless of what you’re selling but you will learn other specific closes to use depending on your product or service.

Creating a Sense of Urgency

Limited-time offers and promotions can create a sense of urgency, motivating potential customers to make a decision sooner. This is important in door-to-door sales because if you don’t close the deal right there, the chances of you closing the sale go down dramatically.

One of the best ways to build urgency in door-to-door sales is by emphasizing that a discount or offer is only happening because you’re already there in the neighborhood and if you can “squeeze” people onto your route, you’re able to save on costs which you can pass to the customer. You could also explain that there are only a few slots available on your route that you need to fill up.

The key to building urgency is to be honest. If you’re making up urgency to close a deal, customers see right through that and tend to get turned off. The trick to urgency comes in your tone of voice. By expressing through your tone a nonchalant attitude about filling your last spot, because you’re so confident you will, you almost make the offer irresistible.

Door-to-Door Sales Strategies

Targeting the Right Neighborhoods

In many cases, your manager will draw up an area for you to work. He will give you a territory to own with around 100-200 homes to knock. As you become more familiar with door-to-door sales you’ll start to find the areas where you feel most confident which is crucial for your success. For me, I liked areas with:

  • Several existing customers that I could name drop (the software you use should tell you this)

  • Demographic of middle to upper middle class

  • Homes that had large properties and were spread apart

  • Homes near forests or bodies of water (pest control specific)

  • Homes out in the country - off the beaten path and less likely to have been knocked by other salesmen

Every sales person is different, I had friends who thrived in extremely wealthy neighborhoods and others who made a killing selling to trailer parks. Find the areas where you feel most confident and spend as much of your time as you can there.

Time Management and Route Planning - Area Management

As much as we have been talking about mindset, your sales pitch, your company, and other success factors for door-to-door sales, there is maybe no other factor as important to your success as time management and route planning or in other words, area management.

As we’ve discussed, D2D sales is a numbers game and the more at bats you can give yourself by being efficient, the better chance you have of hitting it out of the park. Here are some of my best practices to maximize my time and my areas.

  1. Strive to be the first one out to area and the last one to leave - knocking a few extra doors each day can dramatically increase your sales numbers

  2. Don’t waste time with bathroom breaks - you will need them and there will likely be times you pee in bushes (we’ve all done it) but don’t be afraid to ask people if you can use their restroom. It’s not as weird as you might think and it will save you time and energy

  3. Snack breaks - every day I would usually bring a sandwich, a granola bar or 2, and either grapes or watermelon. Taking time to run to restaurant can put a halt to your momentum, take a chunk out of your day, and make it hard to start again

  4. Invest in a Segway - you’ll save time and energy going from door to door and you’ll have more fun doing it

  5. Limit distractions - don’t spend too much time if any on your phone between doors, it’s distracting and will reduce your effectiveness

  6. Pre plan the route you are going to take in advance to reduce decision fatigue when you’re on the doors knocking.

  7. Spend as much time in an area as possible - try to knock all of the doors that haven’t answered at least twice if not 3+ times trying at different times of day or on Saturday. The more time you spend in 1 area, the more names you can drop, the more you will understand the people, and the more confident you will feel.

door to door sales route

Here is an example of what one of my knocking routes for the day looked like

Door Knocking Etiquette - Should You Knock No Soliciting Doors?

Respect the privacy and time of the people you approach. Politeness and professionalism go a long way in building rapport. In addition to the handshake debate, the other heated door-to-door discussion is whether to knock on “no soliciting” doors or not. 

Some salesmen believe that these doors are knocked far less and therefore will be great buyers. Others say “why will I waste time knocking on a door where they will already tell me no?” It’s a tough one to crack. Over my career I have done both and have had both responses. I have certainly sold plenty of “no soliciting” homes. Sometimes the sign was put there by a previous owner or sometimes owners put them up because they have a hard time saying no to salespeople. I would be willing to bet that I would have between 50-100 less sales or in other words made $15-$30K less if I hadn’t knocked on “no soliciting” homes over my career. 

On the other hand, the one time in my sales career where a woman had a gun in her hand (it was holstered) was when I knocked on a no soliciting door. So be careful and use your best judgment. If a home has a no soliciting sign and is giving you bad vibes, probably best to skip that one.

My general rule of thumb is if it looks like they put a lot of time an intention into putting up their no soliciting sign I would skip it, if the sign was hardly noticeable or faded, I would knock away.

Funny no soliciting sign

Building Trust and Rapport

The Power of Active Listening

Listening attentively to your customers' needs allows you to tailor your pitch and build trust. One of the most common pitfalls that rookies fall into is being too married to their script. If a client starts talking about their spider problem, don’t skip that and move into what you’ll do for their ants. Ask more questions about their spiders IE where are you seeing them? What kind? Are they getting in yet? Etc. To build more credibility, deepen their pain, and tie your solution back to their problem. It all starts with active listening.

Establishing Credibility

Share your knowledge and expertise to establish yourself as a trusted advisor, not just a salesperson. Spend time outside of work watching videos and deepening your knowledge of the product you’re selling. The more you know, the more confident you will be, and the more people will trust you.

Connecting on a Personal Level

Building a personal connection can make the difference between a successful sale and a closed door. Find common ground and relate to your customers. Don’t be afraid to tell personal stories or explain why you are doing this job. A lot of people will buy from you simply because they like you. Be personable. Be likable.

Tonality and Body Language

One of the most important ways to subconsciously build rapport and trust with a client doesn't have anything to do with the specific words you say buy rather how you say them. As much as 93% of the message your prospect is receiving comes from body language and tone of voice with the actual words only accounting for 7%.

Here are a few rapid fire body language and tonality hacks to give you a head start.

  1. Finish your sentence on a down tone to come across more confident

  2. Stand with your body angled about 45 degrees to the door when you knock - standing straight on can come across subtly confrontational

  3. Maintain solid eye contact with conscious and natural eye breaks to avoid piercing into someone’s soul

  4. Don’t fidget your hands or shift your feet - this can give a nervous, anxious, or untrustworthy energy. Keep your feet planted and use big, slow hand gestures

  5. Head nods and smiles are key to getting a customer in agreement

  6. Speak slower and with pauses when you really want to emphasize a benefit or feature

  7. Don’t think about all of this when you’re actually on the doors or you will fumble with your words and mess up. It’s like swinging a golf club, understand what you need to do and then let it be natural!

Handling Rejections and Obstacles

Dealing with Rejection Resilience

Expect rejection, but don't let it deter you. Learn from each rejection and use it as an opportunity to refine your approach. One of the best ways to improve is to record yourself on the doors. Relisten to your recordings and share them with your manager for feedback. The best athletes in the world are constantly watching their film and if we want to perform at our best then we need to study film as well.

Having a ritual or a routine to help you get past a difficult rejection can make a huge difference. One rule that I tried to live by was that I can be upset about a rejection only as long as I was on their property. Once I officially left their property, I tried my best to move on from the past door and shift my focus to the next opportunity.

Another, slightly more cheesy ritual you can try that I learned from a sports psychology book, is to grab a handful of grass and let is blow away from your hand. The idea is that the rejection is the blades of grass and seeing blowing away is a physical ritual to help your mind move on and refocus for your next opportunity.

Turning Objections into Opportunities

One of the most important factors to overcoming objections starts with your mindset towards them. Rather than seeing each objection as a firm “no” see them as the prospect saying, “I’m interested but you haven’t quite convinced me yet.”

Objections are often an invitation to address concerns. Be prepared to turn objections into opportunities for clarification and persuasion.

Too many rookies walk away from a deal that they could have closed if they were a little more persistent. Push just a little further than you feel comfortable and you’ll be surprised at the number of no’s you can turn into yes’s.

Learning from Mistakes

Every mistake is a lesson. Continuously evaluate your sales encounters and adapt your strategies for improvement. It’s ok to feel down for a bit especially after you make a mistake but don’t let that ruin your day or affect your next door. Keep notes on your phone for the sales you missed and what you would have done differently. This will help to ensure that that next you are in that situation you will respond the right way and will close the deal.

Remember that this is all just an amazing game that we get to play! How incredible is that you can make a month’s salary in a single day! What an opportunity! Be hungry. Keep learning and growing with each misstep and soon your success will surprise you!

Closing the Sale

Recognizing Buying Signals

Learn to recognize when a potential customer is ready to buy. Pay attention to their verbal and non-verbal cues. Here are a few tell-tale signs that your prospect is interested and it’s time to close them!

  • He are nodding their head and smiling with you

  • She asks questions about the pricing or how the product works

  • He is engaged as you explain the details of your product

  • He complies with your requests to provide additional information or show you parts of their home

  • She invites you into her home

  • She starts to mirror your body language and tone of voice back to you

When a prospect starts gives you these buying signals, move in for the close and be prepared to overcome objections.

Effective Closing Techniques

Closing is an art. Employ various closing techniques, to get the best results. Here are a few of my favorites

Fair Close - “Does that sound fair?”

Assumptive Close - “Does our 3pm slot work for you today?”

Momentum Close - “Do you have a basement” - yes - “is it finished?” - yes - “when my guys come by would you like to have them treat your basement as well?

Option Close - “Would you prefer 4pm today or 9am tomorrow?”

Bandwagon Close - We are meeting with the Johnson’s at 7, does tonight at 8 work for you?

Try to have a handful of go-to closes in your arsenal that you feel comfortable and confident enough to use in different situations.

Your body language and tone of voice become even more crucial when you’re closing. Now is the time to truly show your confidence. No shifty feet or hands, no talking too fast, down tone at the end of your sentences. You’re in control, now go close that deal!

Managing Finances and Income

Door-to-Door Sales Pay Structure

After having mastered the skills is takes to become a successful door-to-door sales person, it’s time to learn how to manage all of the money you’re going to be making.

First you need to understand how you are going to be paid. Every company and industry will do it differently but in pest control and alarms for example, you sell a contract that is paid out over several months or years.

You will receive a smaller “frontend” payment soon after the client receives their service and a larger payment called your “backend” that may come in 1-3 installments. It may look like the graphic below.

Door to door sales pay structure

In other industries like solar for example, you are paid in full after the solar panels have been installed which can be a 1-2 month process after the sale is made.

It is important to consider and ask questions about how you are paid as you are planning your finances.

Budgeting, Saving, and Investing

Manage your finances wisely. Budget for personal and business or school expenses, and save a portion of your earnings. This work can be extremely lucrative if you’re smart. Subscribe to the D2D Wealth newsletter here where we send FREE emails about the best ways to invest your earning and generate passive income.

Tax Considerations

Understand the tax implications of your income and expenses. As a door-to-door salesman you are a 1099 self contractor which essentially means you are taxed as an entrepreneur. Your company typically won’t pull out any taxes for you and you will be responsible for tracking your earnings and expenses and paying your own taxes. So make sure you set aside a portion of your earnings to cover taxes!

Any qualified expenses you have while doing D2D sales can be “written off” against your income to help you save on taxes. To learn more, subscribe to the D2D Wealth newsletter.

It is also recommended to open your own Limited Liability Company (LLC) to take advantage of the tax benefits as a 1099 contractor. This isn’t tax advice but best practices that worked well for me during my career. I would recommend speaking with an accountant if you have questions.

Balancing Work and Personal Life

Avoiding Burnout

Maintain a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout. Know when to take breaks and recharge. Make sure you take advantage of your weekend. Hang out with you team. Explore the city you are living in. Have fun and make memories. This will help you to be your best self when you are out working.

It’s also important to minimize the amount of decisions you need to make every day. As much as you can automate and systematize your life and daily activities the more successful you will be.

For example, I always knew what I was eating for breakfast and lunch everyday and knew exactly what I was going to wear. It doesn’t seem like much but each decision you need to make drains a portion or energy and focus. As much you can systemize and automate the routine decision, the more energy and focus you will have for the doors.


Doing door-to-door sales was one of the best decisions that I have made in my life. I came out of my time in door-to-door more confident, more financially stable, a better communicator, a harder worker, and with the knowledge that I can be successful at anything I put my hand to. If you’re considering D2D sales, I would highly recommend giving it a try. If you’re willing to work hard, get uncomfortable, stay hungry, and learn as much as you can then you will be successful. The lessons you learn will be more valuable than the money you earn. But you’ll make quite a bit of money too.

Despite this being the most comprehensive summer sales guide you’ll find on the internet, there’s no way I can cover everything you need to know to be a top 1% rep in a single article.

If you’re committed to be the best sales rep on your team or even you’re whole company, subscribe to the FREE D2D Wealth newsletter and get pro-level sales and mindset tips, tricks, and tactics delivered straight to your inbox.

FAQ Section

What does door-to-door mean in sales?

Door-to-door sales, often abbreviated as D2D sales, refers to the method of selling products or services directly to potential customers by visiting their homes or businesses. It involves face-to-face interactions between the salesperson and the customer, allowing for a personalized sales pitch and the opportunity to address questions and concerns.

Are door-to-door sales effective?

The effectiveness of D2D sales varies depending on several factors, including the product or service being sold, the skill of the salesperson, and the target market. For some, D2D sales can be highly lucrative and effective, while others may find it challenging. It's worth considering if you have the right personality and sales skills for this approach.

Is D2D sales worth is worth it?

It definitely can be but D2D sales isn’t for everyone. If your goal is to get outside of your comfort zone, develop confidence and mental toughness, and learn a new skill then it is absolutely worth it. If you’re the type of person who considers themselves entrepreneurial, played competitive sports in school, enjoys learning new skills, and getting outside of their comfort zone then it is absolutely worth giving D2D sales a try.

What is the most common door-to-door sales?

Common door-to-door sales include home security systems, pest control services, cable and internet subscriptions, energy and utility services, and various household products. The choice of products or services can vary by region and market demand.

If you have more questions or need further information about door-to-door sales, feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help you on your journey to success in this dynamic field.

Nathan Hooper

Nathan Hooper is the founder of D2D wealth and a seasoned door-to-door sales veteran having made hundreds of thousands of dollars selling pest control. He is an investor, entrepreneur, and teacher creating content on finance and sales skills.


Door-to-Door Sales Commission Calculator


5 Door to Door Sales Books that Helped Me Double My Income